/home/irlp/ directory

Details on the content for the other directories in /HOME/IRLP/

IRLP - Keeping the Radio in Amateur Radio


The IRLP_PORT directory contains the IRLP_PORT driver to read and write from the parallel port without root access. The IRLP_PORT driver is kernel version specific, so a couple versions have been supplied


The ARPM directory (if it exists) contains the source code for AutoRPM, an automatic system file checker and updater which minimizes the possibility of compromise by keeping you file system up to date with the latest updates from RedHat. This option is only available to those who use RedHat 5.2. It can be installed under other distributions, but will not be supported by IRLP.


The OSS directory (if it exists) contains the commercial OSS package. There are packages available for both major kernel versions. The license file must be purchased before commercial OSS drivers will work (required for full duplex)


The LOCAL directory contains several files which are commonly accessed by the IRLP system. It is a volatile RAM drive, and does not store any info required after reboot. Files stored in the local directory include ID tag files (such as the enable, active, timeout tags) and the IRLP hosts lookup file.


The RUN directory contains the run-time files used by IRLP. This include the challenge and response strings used by PGP for authentication, and the FIFO used for communication.


The LOG directory keeps logs of every argument passed through control (except the 5 second timestamps) for later review. The size of the MESSAGES file can be very large, and should be deleted or rotated on a regular basis.


The PATCHES directory contains several patch scripts which are added to fix small problems with security and functionality after the node has been installed.


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